Dr. Carol D. Turner

NEW BOOK on Powerful, Practical, Spirit-Filled Prayer

In this book, you will uncover power, benefits, and revelation intended for us by receiving the fullness of God’s Holy Spirit.

With open hearts and minds let us receive the best God has for us by Praying in the Spirit. #Catchit!


From Our Founder

Acts 2:4 records the first experience of believers endowed with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in unknown tongues. This spiritual communication came straight from Heaven. When the believers prayed, the place shook. They were all filled, baptized (immersed) in the Holy Ghost.

In Acts 13:52, the believers received the fullness of the Holy Spirit with joy. Ten years after Pentecost (Acts 10:44), the Holy Ghost fell on ALL including the Gentiles.

Acts 19:1-6 notes, “However, certain disciples” (believers like you and me) had not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit when they believed. They had not heard of it. They had only experienced water baptism. It was only after Paul prayed and laid hands on them that they received the Holy Spirit, spoke with other tongues, and prophesied.

The word ‘fill’ is found about 10 times in Acts. It a huge difference when we have receive a taste of what God intends we receive to the full and even overflow. It was for then, and it’s for now. Now with open hearts and minds let us receive the best God has for us by ‘Praying in the Spirit’. #Catchit!

Going Deeper

Servant leader Callie “Carol” Turner is available for mentoring, speaking, and training.


Experience personal breakthrough in your journey of going deeper into a powerful, practical, Spirit-filled life of prayer through Dr. Carol D. Turner’s latest book Praying in Spirit.

Guest Interviews

Invite Dr. Carol D. Turner onto your radio program, TV program, or podcast to ignite your listeners with the truth of God’s Word and testimonies of life-altering prayer! 


Break open the heavens over your church and community as you step into your authority as Spirit-filled, powerful prayer warriors, through Dr. Carol D. Turner’s powerful Bible-based teaching and practical equipping.

Private Mentorship

Accelerate your spiritual journey by working directly with Dr. Carol D. Turner, allowing her life of faith and prayer to become as normal to you as the breath that you breathe.

Standard Rate: $50/hour


Powerful Woman of God that is on a mission to call forth greatness in all.

– Venessa Abram


A prayer warrior that prays the portals of heaven open with miracles, signs and wonders that follow

– V. Spiller


An exceptional woman of God who is a true follower after His Heart! A prayer warrior in the purest form!!!

– L. T.


Just as Elisha was under Elijah for 6 years, I was under Pastor Carol Turner for 7 years. Her guidance brought out the gifts of teaching, prophesying, and preaching in me.

– Diane Eagan


My house was demon-possessed, and I prayed and prayed for those spirits to leave to no avail, Then I told Pastor Turner about it. Praying in the Spirit, Pastor went to the Throne of GOD and the spirits left my abode.

– Clara Kittrell


Carol Turner is a Woman of Faith who loves the Lord with all her heart, and a true intercessor in which the Apostolic call on her life speaks for itself. Dedicated to empower, uplift, encourage, and love all who know her and shares the Gospel where she goes.

– Felecia Ellis


You and your prayer life exemplify walking by faith and not sight! In ALL things have faith. No matter what the problem or situation you will ALWAYS put a WORD on it!



Servant Turner is truly Anointed by God. Her book Praying the Spirit was very informative enlightening, I highly recommend it!!!

– Pastor Sharon Anderson


Carol Turner is a prayer warrior extraordinaire. She is a devout believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and inspires others to worship, praise, and glorify God to the highest level.

– Prophetess Dr. Gale B. Frazier, The Daughters of Sarah Int’l Outreach Ministries


Meeting anyone intentionally traveling on their spiritual path is always a blessing. Connecting with those who are deep into this journey is to experience a double blessing. Such is the joy of knowing her. Her unique gift is living and teaching the power of a life of prayer. Life is filled with challenges to be met and experiences to be understood or simply accepted. Spending time with her is a sure way to enhance your growth on your own personal path. You will learn and experience the power of communion with our Lord and Savior through the loving words and teachings of Carol Callie Turner.

Marlene Russell


Reading Callie Turner’s book, Praying in the Spirit, has been a delight and a gift. It was first a “delight” to hear her story… and then a “gift” to
understand the Power of the Holy Spirit that can change our stories forever!

Judy Bowers


Pastor Carol is a Intercessor who is after the heart of the Father and who walks in the Spirit of the fear of the Lord. When I first met this WOG I sensed her love for the Father and her strong passion for Him. A no-nonsense type of thing, like she doesn’t play with the things of God or touch the things of the spirit haphazardly. Her book Praying in the Spirit as re-ignited a passion and a fire within me to continue to intercede and to pray in the spirit than more than ever. It is the most powerful and effective way to pray, because when we pray in the Spirit we are praying the perfect will of God ❤❤❤❤

Andrea Atkins


Callie Carol Turner is an anointed mighty woman of God who speaks the word of God in a easy to understand yet powerful way. She is a fervent prayer warrior and she challenges believers to go deeper than we ever have before with the Holy Spirit, in her book, Praying in the Spirit. This book is a delightful testimony which biblically outlines the power of praying in the spirit!

– L. Michell Jackson


My friend Pastor Carol has not only taught be about prayer, she has been my personal prayer warrior. She is one of my heroes of faith and someone I trust to speak truth over my life.

– Adam Paa


God will deliver! He will set you free from any addiction, habit, and soul tie that is not in His will for your life. I can speak from experience. For almost 20 years, I was addicted to nicotine. I tried many times unsuccessfully to quit on my own. God has His own way of doing things. Who would have thought a snowstorm would be a seg-way to my freedom?

In February 1997, I was stuck at work due to a snowstorm. I could not drive my car because it was a rear wheel drive, and it was not safe to drive in that kind of weather. My sister, Pastor Carol Turner lived approximately 10 minutes from where I was working. So, I called her and asked her if she could come and pick me up from work. She agreed to do that for me. While I was waiting for her, I smoked my cigarette because I knew I could no smoke in her house, and I needed to get that nicotine fix in before she picked me up.

After she picked me up and I settled into her place, she said, “Roni, let’s pray, I feel the Lord wanting to do something in your life”, or something to that effect. So, I agreed and lifted my hand in agreement as she prayed. I remember thinking, “I wish she would hurry up and finish so that I can go out back and smoke a cigarette before I go to bed”. However, the Lord had different plans. As she begins to pray for me, the agitation subsided. I begin to speak in languages I could not understand. Many different tongues begin to flow from my mouth. I could not stop it no matter how I tried. I begin to feel the most amazing feeling I ever felt in my life. The tongues were so clear and intense. This went on for I know an hour or so. Finally, I went to bed, but they still would not stop. I guess it was around 12:00 a.m. when I went to sleep. The next day, I woke up around 4:00 p.m. That was the best sleep I ever had in my life. It was as if the Holy Spirit was cleansing me and setting me free from that nicotine addiction.

The roads begin to clear, and it was time for me to go and get my car from my job. On the ride there, my sister said she felt a headache. She also said that if I picked up another cigarette, I would not be able to enjoy it and I would get sick. Not wanting to believe her, I tried to smoke a cigarette when I got home. My head begin to hurt, and I felt sick. That was over 25 years ago, and I never had the desire to smoke again. As a matter of fact, the smell of it gives me a headache and sinus infections.

Whom the Son has set free, is free indeed. I thank God for using His vessel, Pastor Carol, as an instrument for my freedom.

– Veronica Clay


Pastor Turner’s Prayer Life Ministry reminds me that strong-holds are broken from prayer, fasting and giving.

– Essy Rodriguez